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Doctor of Philosophy: Leadership in Higher Education (PhD)

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Degree Designation


Academic Level



Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education


Doctor of Philosophy

Program Code


Cip Code

13.0406 - Higher Education/Higher Education Administration

Description of Program

James Archibald, Ph.D., Chair
Nolen C. Allen Hall 335, Phone 502-272-7985,

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Leadership in Higher Education is a 60-credit hour program with a leadership, social justice and research themed curriculum designed to prepare graduates to explore, analyze and integrate knowledge into a professional and personal leadership philosophy to lead and serve in an array of higher education settings. Each graduate student will be exposed to a series of courses in strategic planning, finance, legal issues, successful community, state and federal partnerships, assessment, accountability, multicultural theory, student development theory, ethics, governance, administration leadership styles and future considerations in higher education. Graduates will be prepared to assume leadership roles and teach in higher education areas including the more traditional undergraduate and graduate settings, community and technical colleges, non-profit educational services, and government and community agencies. This cohort-based Ph.D. program is designed for working professionals. The course delivery method is designed so that the classes are held on Friday evenings and Saturdays and they meet six weekends a semester. Three weekends of classes are conducted online and three weekends meet in-person. All classes are synchronous. Coursework is completed in three years (two courses per semester) and the dissertation is typically completed in the fourth year.

The degree is rooted in the scholarly rigor of leadership theory and application, research, social justice and change theory. Doctoral students will study Thomas Merton’s teachings and philosophies during their own quest for self-discovery and development as educators and administrators in higher education. Finding one’s gifts and potential and committing to a lifetime exploration of seeking one’s true self is an important part of the journey as scholars, teachers and leaders in higher education. In keeping with the Bellarmine University mission, our graduates will seek to benefit the public interest, create the future and seek to improve the human condition.

Requirements for Admissions

Applications for admissions to the Ph.D. in Leadership in Higher Education program are evaluated on a case-by-case basis using several factors which, taken in sum, suggest the potential for successful completion of doctoral level work.

Applicants should submit:

Part I: Evidence of Academic Preparation

1. Applicants must submit official transcripts from each college and university attended, courses taken and degrees awarded from accredited colleges or universites. Applicants should have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in all graduate coursework completed at the time of application. Transcripts should contain evidence of an earned baccalaureate and master’s degree or the equivalent in education or fields relevant to education. Students completing advanced degrees at the time of their application may be asked to provide an official transcript showing that the degree has been received and note the date it was granted before beginning Ph.D. coursework.

2. Demonstrate successful higher education administrative experience with a minimum of two years in a professional role at a college, university or educational setting.

3. Applicants must submit three letters of reference that address academic and work-related performance and professional potential.

4. Applicants will complete a formal interview with the doctoral program faculty.

5. Students for whom English is a second language must submit an official score report of TOEFL (test of English as a Foreign Language).

6. A writing sample is required prior to admission to the program.

Part II: Other Required Information

Applicants involved in a field other than higher education:

1. A master’s degree in a field related to education, leadership or social justice.

2. Professional history demonstrating potential for leadership in higher education.