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Educational Specialist (EdS)

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Degree Designation


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Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education


Educational Specialist

Program Code


Cip Code

13.0499 - Educational Administration and Supervision, Other

Description of Program

Rosie Young, Ed.D., Chair
Nolen C. Allen Hall 321, Phone 502.272.8447,

The Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education at Bellarmine University offers the Ed.S. principal certification preparation program for educators who already hold a master’s degree in education. Students will receive an Educational Specialist Degree in Instructional Leadership and School Administration through participation in a best practice, research-based curriculum with a practical field experience.

“Educator as Reflective Learner”

Bellarmine’s principal certification advanced program, with its theme “Educator as Reflective Learner,” places high priority on the development of educators ready to lead in an environment of accountability and to face the challenges of the 21st century schools. Reflective educators use their knowledge of content, practice, and pedagogy; knowledge of the learner; skills in leadership and guiding the change process; and management of educational logistics and facilities to personally evaluate their effectiveness. This on-going process provides school leaders with a basis for self-evaluation of how well the acquired knowledge base relates to their current practice. The student will engage in constant performance-based evaluation through course work and leadership field experiences across the program. Students are expected to enhance their skills as reflective practitioners, thus improving abilities to establish and guide their own personal and professional development.

Candidates in this program are assigned a university mentor who will work with the candidate through the duration of the program.

Program Vision: The Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education prepares caring effective educators in the Catholic liberal arts tradition of Bellarmine University to teach and lead in diverse setting.

Program Mission: The mission of the Educational Specialist in Instructional Leadership and School Administration Program is to develop the skills of an aspiring principal. By employing continuous reflection, the aspiring principal candidate engages in authentic field experiences directly impacting the improvement of P – 12 student learning and achievement. Furthermore, the candidate collaborates with the professional community to strengthen the culture of the school and to improve the quality of instruction through data-based decision-making.

Requirements for Admission

• Completed application through the Graduate Admissions Office

• A master's degree in teaching or education

• Official college transcripts of all graduate and undergraduate credits from accredited institutions

• A current resume

• Three years of successful teaching experience in a P-12 setting with full teacher certification during those 3 years is required.)

• A copy of valid state issued Professional Teaching Certificate

• Two recommendation forms from individuals who have supervised the applicant in a school setting. One recommendation must come from the applicant’s current principal/head teacher or designee. Both recommendations must be related to the professional environment. These references will assess critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration, and professional dispositions.

• Responses to three essay questions as part of Graduate Admissions application. These essays will be used to assess critical thinking, communication, creativity, collaboration, and professional dispositions.

• Educational Autobiography as part of Graduate Admissions application. This autobiography will also be used to assess critical thinking, communication, creativity and professional dispositions.

• Interview with School of Education representative and appropriate school district/school-based administrator. This interview will assess applicant’s critical thinking, communications, collaboration, creativity, professional experiences and dispositions, ability to improve student achievement, leadership potential, and knowledge of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.